A training needs analysis will be carried out, on an annual basis, in order to provide specific and concrete information to assist the Bishop, via the child safeguarding committee, to make informed decisions about the particular needs and skills within the Diocese. It is a critical step that will help the child safeguarding committee to create a training plan for the year ahead. This plan will form part of the overall three-year child safeguarding plan (3.7 – Safeguarding Plan).

A training needs analysis will help to:

  • Identify any gaps between the current and required levels of knowledge and skills;
  • Identify who needs training and what training they need;
  • Identify gaps in training provision in particular regions, parishes or other Church communities;
  • Identify what the content of training should be;
  • Ensure that appropriate and relevant training is identified and delivered;
  • Form the foundation of a training plan;
  • Enhance skill levels to ensure the implementation of best practice in child safeguarding and child protection;
  • Assist in the evaluation of a training plan;
  • Ensure that resources are used effectively and efficiently.

A training needs analysis will address the following questions:

  • What level and type of training are members currently participating in?
  • What are the specific training needs of Church personnel in the Diocese?
  • Who needs to be trained and what level of training is needed, e.g. basic or specific?
  • Who are the target groups that need training?
  • What methods of delivery should be used, e.g. lecture style, participatory, online training, etc.?
  • What are the key roles where training needs to be considered?
  • What are the skills gaps?
  • How many people need to be trained?
  • What is the time frame within which this needs to happen?
  • Can the training needs be met locally?
  • Can these training needs be met by the NBSCCCI via the NBSCCCI Training Strategy
  • Are there local initiatives that could provide this training?
  • Can the training be delivered locally/nationally?
  • Which training programmes should be given priority?
  • What additional/external support, if any, is needed to deliver this training?

  Collecting data for a training needs analysis

Consultation is important before undertaking a training needs analysis. The best people to help the child safeguarding committee to identify what training is required include members of local community/parish councils, local safeguarding representatives, safeguarding trainers, safeguarding tutors, leaders of ministries, Church authorities, DLPs, advisory panels, the NBSCCCI, statutory partners, parents/guardians and children involved in Church activities.

Consultation with these individuals and groups will assist with the identification of training needs. This can be done in a variety of ways, which include:

Training: as part of the basic awareness training that all Church personnel are required to do, participants are asked to identify key areas in which they require further development opportunities. This information should be fed back to the child safeguarding committee by the registered trainer;

Evaluation: as part of any training programme, evaluation (both written and verbal) is critical. It is important that evaluation processes allow participants to reflect on their training needs and that these are communicated to the child safeguarding committee;

Meetings with local safeguarding representatives: opportunities should be provided that allow the safeguarding representatives to share their training needs with the child safeguarding committee;

Parish and diocesan audits: the annual audit will provide detailed information to allow the child safeguarding committee to identify the training needs of each ministry.

If, during this process, a training need is identified that is not addressed in the NBSCCCI Training Strategy, contact should be made with the Director of Training and Support at the NBSCCCI to assess whether that training will be delivered nationally.

If, after contacting the training manager, the training need will not be delivered nationally, a specific trainer who can provide the required training will need to be identified in discussions with local agencies.

Following completion of this plan, the safeguarding committee should consult with the Bishop to agree a training budget and to prioritise the training needs.