Child Safeguarding Plan for the period 2018-21 for the Diocese of Meath.

(Revised January 2019)

This action plan has been developed in compliance with Standard 7 of the Safeguarding Children: Policy and Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland (2016). It follows from and builds on the Action Plan 2013-15.

All actions will be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Safeguarding Children Policy and the procedures detailed in the Operational Guidelines, commencing January 2017, unless stated otherwise. The plan will be reviewed and updated annually or as new regulatory or legislative provisions become available.

The Training Plan 2019 and Communications plan 2019 are attached as Appendices.


Standard  Objectives Actions Responsibility Implementation Date Review Date
Creating a Culture of Safety
Standard 1:

Creating and maintaining safe environments

Implement safe recruitment procedures











Ensure code of behaviour is adopted by all adults and children involved in Church related activities.










Implement effective practice in safe care for all children, including those with specific needs.





The following procedures, detailed in the Operational Guidelines, will be used as appropriate to the situation:

·       Application form

·       Declaration form

·       Interviews

·       References

·       Vetting

(S1.1 and S1.2; S4.1 -.6 S4.11)




·       Adults involved in Church related activities agree to observe and sign the COB at induction


·       Parents and children sign consent form which includes code of behaviour.

·       Anti-bullying policy agreed between leaders and children

(S1.4-.7; S4.7-.10)


The following procedures, detailed in the Operational Guidelines, will be used:

-Advised supervision ratios

-Dealing with accidents/incidents

-Risk assessment of activities

-One to one contact with children

-Participation of children with specific needs

-Procedures for visiting clergy

-Use of ICT

-External groups using Church property

-Complaints procedures

-Protected disclosures




Overall responsibility rests with the SCC. Specific areas of responsibility noted below.


Liaison person (L Duncan)










Activity leaders






PSR and activity leaders

From 01/01/2017











When position assumed.




Start date of of activity and each Sept.






01/01/17 fw

Parish annual audit in Nov./Dec. each year.



SCC annual report Dec. each year.




Annual parish audit.





Annual parish audit






Annual parish audit

Standard 5: Training and Support for keeping children safe




Ensure that all Church personnel receive appropriate training in safeguarding. Develop annual training plan based on a training needs analysis (TNA).

Incorporate specific training needs identified by parishes, including information on formal and informal supports available to personnel.



Deliver and evaluate training.



Ratify training plan





2019 Training plan delivered




 Trainers –            A Shaw and          D Gavin














See Appendix A


Implementation on dates specified in annual plan








Spring meeting annually.



On dates specified in plan.

Each training event evaluated as delivered and reported on in annual report.

TNA based on parish audit



Report on training as part of annual report Dec. each year


Standard 6: Communicating the Church’s Safeguarding Message


Ensure that the Church’s safeguarding message is communicated to identified audiences








Produce and circulate printed material for specified audiences




























Establish links with relevant organisations to promote safe environments and share best practice





Consultation and feedback meetings


*See Appendix B


Review the communications policy annually



Revised safeguarding website regularly updated (


Promote awareness of the website



Copies of the Policy Statement and the Child Safeguarding Statement will be displayed in churches and buildings where Church related activities take place



Produce and circulate three Safeguarding Newsletters annually




Children who act as altar servers or are involved in choirs will be provided with safeguarding information leaflets




Posters in Irish and in Polish have ben produces and will be made available on request.



Research will be carried out on whether posters/information in other languages/formats are needed.



At diocesan level: annual meeting with CF Information Persons.

At parish level: Contact established with local Social Workers and Garda Siochana.



Six parish meetings to be held each year (working in alphabetical order… 2018: Collinstown; Coole; Delvin; Drogheda HF; Drumraney; Duleek

2019: Dunderry; Dysart; Eglish; Enfield; Johnstown; Kells



*Need verification and agreement

Safeguarding committee



Director of safeguarding



Trainers +PSR










Resource Team





PSR/Activity leaders






Safeguarding Comm/Trainers




Resource Team





Resource Team







Safeguarding Committee members








Training events/Newsletters


01/01/19 fw







Spring/ Autumn/ Winter



Sept. each year.







2017 fw, on request.



Review 2019





Feb. 2019








Arranged in consultation with parishes


Summer meeting each year


Annual parish audit



As part of policy review, SCC summer meeting.

As part of annual parish audit.


As part of policy review each summer.

Winter meeting SCC

Annual report









Annual review




Report to SCC+

Annual report





Outcomes reviewed at each SCC meeting + reported on in annual report.



Standard  Objectives Actions Responsibility Implementation Date Review Date
Recognising, Responding, Reporting
Standard 2:

Procedures for responding to CP suspicions, concerns, knowledge or allegations


































Standard 3: Care and support for the complainant.











Standard 4: Care and management of the respondent.
















Personnel are made aware of how to recognise and respond to child abuse.



Reporting procedures are in place


Case management procedures are in place




A data protection policy is in place.



There is regular liaison with statutory authorities.





A complaints procedure is in place



Protected disclosure procedure in place



A disciplinary procedure is in place.








A pastoral response is available to complainants.




A Support Person is appointed.




Cooperation is sought with relevant agencies when needed.



A system for supporting respondents is provided.





A process is in place for investigating and managing child safeguarding concerns.





















Training is provided and the Operational Guidelines contain definitions.



CP referral form

(S2.2; S4.34)


Use NBSCCCI forms and procedures as required

(S2.3-2.14: S2.25-2.34: S4.35-S4.43)


New DP policy in preparation to comply with GDPR



Annual meetings held






Responding to a dissatisfied complainant-3 stage process.

(S2.15; S4.13)


Personnel made aware of procedures.



Panel established from which a disciplinary committee may be formed.


Supporting procedures and documentation available from the Diocesan Office.



Procedures in place to ensure a pastoral response is provided.




Procedures and training are provided



When necessary, specialist advice is sought from NBSCCCI and statutory agencies. (S2,22)



An Advisor is appointed to represent the pastoral needs of a respondent.




Undertaking risk assessment. (S4.24; 25; 26; S4.39;40;)


Conducting a preliminary investigation following conclusion of any statutory investigation. (S2.29)


Supporting and managing a respondent when it is found that there is a case to answer. (S28-34; S4.41-43













All personnel















All personnel

(Appendix 3 of Operational Guidelines)


Between statutory authorities, Bishop and DLP and

between CF Information Persons and Resource Team.






Information on website and in Newsletter.



Resource Team/ Disciplinary panel










The Bishop, DLP and Support Person






Mr R Lowry -Support Person









Advisor appt. by Bishop as needed





























01/01/17 fw (using new guidelines)




01/01/17 fw




01/01/17 fw





TBD – training may be needed




In consultation with statutory agencies.


Meeting held Feb2019







In place since 2014 – NBSC version since 2017


Convened as necessary










As necessary






Feb 2017 fw as needed









Appointed as necessary






01/01/17 fw






























Annual audit





DLP annual report



DLP annual report





TBD when procedures developed



Report to SCC


Annual report






DLP annual report



Annual report





Annual report











As part of annual DLP report




SCC Summer meeting




DLP annual report




DLP annual report






DLP annual report




DLP annual report




























Standard  Objectives Actions Responsibility Implementation Date Review Date
Quality Assurance
Standard 7: Quality assuring compliance with the Standards Appropriate structures are in place



















































Ensure arrangements are in place to evaluate compliance with the Standards





Safeguarding plan produced on a three-year basis





Independent review by the NBSCCCI


Roles of committees and individual personnel are as outlined in Operational Guidelines – Appendix 1


Safeguarding Children Committee










Resource Team/Trainers









Support Person






Disciplinary Panel




Parish Safeguarding Representatives (PSR)



Vetting Liaison Person



Annual Parish audit; SCC report; DLP report

(S3.3 +4; S4.44; 4.45;4.46)


Follow up with parishes which do not respond


NBSCCCI notified



Consultation with relevant stakeholders; informed by legislative and regulatory changes.





Reviewed and updated annually following scrutiny of the parish audit returns.




NBSCCCI invited to conduct review of safeguarding practice at a frequency agreed with the Board.








Members appointed by Bishop









Director of Safeguarding (Fr J Campbell) and two Trainers (AS and DG)


Ms Marie O`Sullivan




Mr R Lowry



Appt. by Bishop  as needed



Panel of eight. is in place




Each parish has at least two PSR in post



Ms L Duncan
















SCC/Resource Team

















A nine person SCC is in place. Including Bishop and two Trainers.


Four meetings are held annually





In place since 2010 (varying members)

Meetings held monthly.







Appt. 2017



As needed




Appt. 2013





Current and continuing




Appt. 2016




Nov./Dec each year











Nov/Dec annually+ deanery meetings





Jan/Feb annually














Winter meeting each year

(Members serve a four-year term: 2 will complete term in 2017; all others are in place since 2015)




Annual report






DLP annual report




Annual report



DLP annual report



As part of annual parish audit.



Annual report





Annual report




SCC Winter meeting each year. and NBSCCC! notified.

SCCSpring meeting






Reviewed at Autumn SCC meeting annually





Following review process.










Resources for implementing the child safeguarding plan

The resources required are primarily the personnel involved in creating a culture of safety at all levels and in all Church activities involving children; and, should it prove necessary, in responding to allegations or suspicions of abuse, reporting these to the relevant statutory agencies; and providing support to complainants and respondents. Providing the infrastructural supports to ensure that these processes are undertaken appropriately includes providing the training, information, communication strategies and ensuring quality assurance of all procedures and processes.

The Diocese of Meath strives to accomplish this through:

  • Having appropriate structures in place (as detailed above).
  • Contracting two trainers to provide necessary training and supports.
  • Developing and maintaining communication systems, specifically: safeguarding website; publishing regular newsletters; developing and disseminating information leaflets and posters.
  • Establishing and maintaining contacts with relevant statutory agency personnel.

Most of those involved operate in a voluntary capacity, while the trainers, support person, and liaison person are funded by the Diocese on a contractual basis. Funding is also made available for the production of print and web-based materials and for training provided by external agents, generally the NBSCCCI.


Signed __________________________________


Review date______________________________






Appendix B: Communications Plan 2019



Target audience Safeguarding messages Method Responsibility When Review
Children and their parents and carers involved in Church based activities.







Church personnel (volunteers, staff and clergy)




























NBSCCCI/ Tusla/          An GS/ other relevant agencies


How to keep safe




What to do if you, or someone you know, is being harmed.




Sources of advice and support.


Good practice and how to deliver it.

Safe recruitment.

Dealing with allegations.

Accessing help and advice.

Contact details for relevant persons/agencies.





Accessing training.





What do we mean by safeguarding.

Contact details of those with safeguarding responsibilities.


Information on safeguarding policy and procedures.











ü  Information leaflets for children

ü  Information leaflet for parents (summary of Policy and Standards)

ü  Policy and Operational Guidelines available on safeguarding website.

ü  Poster with policy statement and contact details for DLP and statutory agencies displayed in churches and buildings where Church related activities take place.

ü  Safeguarding Safety Statement displayed and copies available.


Safeguarding website

Safeguarding Newsletter

Information on safeguarding policy and procedures provided via print and website editions of the Policy and Operational Guidelines.

Posters with policy statement and contact details for DLP and statutory agencies + Child Safeguarding Statement on the safeguarding website ( displayed in churches and buildings where Church related activities take place

(Posters available in Irish and Polish as well as English)



Support and training sessions.


Information on safeguarding policy and procedures provided via print and website editions of the Policy and Operational Guidelines.


Poster with policy statement and contact details for DLP and statutory agencies displayed in churches and buildings where Church related activities take place.

Safeguarding Safety Statement displayed.


Safeguarding website

Occasional items on safeguarding included in parish bulletin.


Safeguarding Sunday.


Consultation and feedback meetings.







Policy and Operational Guidelines on safeguarding website.


Annual Reports; Safeguarding Plan on website




Annual meetings with statutory agencies

Leaflets are distributed and discussed with children by activity leader.

Trainers/PSR ensures supplies are available









Maintained by Resource Team. SCC responsible for policy


SCC responsible for policy

Resource Team responsible for ensuring supplies of printed material and website.


Resource Team. Newsletters circulated electronically and in hard copy


SCC responsible for policy




Resource Team responsible for ensuring supplies of printed material and website.







Members of SCC





SCC/Resource Team


Annually in Sept.

On request; at information and sessions




















Spring and Autumn











TBD locally


c. Six meetings scheduled p.a.





Dec. each year


Feb 2019 and by arrangement with agencies.

Annual parish audit











Updated monthly




At SCC Summer meeting





As part of annual parish audit













Outcomes reviewed at each SCC meeting.



SCC Winter meeting