In circumstances where a decision has been made to allow the respondent to remain a priest/Brother/Sister, a further risk assessment (4.39) should be carried out. This may include the commissioning of a clinical risk assessment report on the respondent (2.36), and amending the risk management update tool (S4.40). These forms should then be used to create a permanent management plan that should be put in place  alongside a precept . The permanent management plan will take the same format as the interim management plan (S4.41), but it will also include more detail regarding the permanent monitoring of the respondent.

The DLP is responsible for putting in place a system of monitoring by either taking on this responsibility or appointing someone to take on this role.

The monitoring role involves:

  • Meeting with the respondent on a regular basis, as per the permanent management plan;
  • Assessing the support needs of the respondent and putting in place care and management mechanisms to ensure that their spiritual, psychological, health and social needs are addressed and met;
  • Assessing whether or not the plan is being adhered to;
  • Advising the respondent and the DLP (if the DLP is not the person in the monitoring role) where there is evidence of non-compliance. The DLP will advise the Bishop of this;
  • Keeping records of all contact made with the respondent, and recording any issues emerging in relation to child safeguarding matters and passing them to the DLP (if the DLP is not the person in the monitoring role);
  • Passing on all child safeguarding concerns to the DLP (if the DLP is not the person in the monitoring role);
  • Reviewing the permanent management plan at regular intervals (depending on the assessed needs and the level of risk), in conjunction with other child safeguarding personnel;
  • Liaising with the respondent’s family members, as required;
  • Maintaining professional links with the statutory authorities and preparing reports, as required;
  • Liaising with the Bishop and the NBSCCCI, where appropriate;
  • Liaising with child safeguarding personnel, e.g. advisors, where appropriate.

The services of an advisor should be available to the respondent throughout the entire process, should the respondent wish. The advisor will provide a vital service in ensuring that the support needs of the respondent are heard and met during this time.

Guidance on Monitoring Clerics and Non-ordained Religious who Remain the Responsibility of Another Church Authority

In circumstances where a decision has been made to allow the respondent to remain a priest/ Brother/Sister, but where it has been decided to allow them to live in a different religious order/ diocese, additional consideration should be given to the following, alongside the guidance outlined above:

Information sharing: how should information regarding the complaint be shared with people in the order/diocese in which the respondent will live? Consultation should be sought with the statutory authorities regarding this, bearing in mind the principles of data protection, privacy and confidentiality;

Management plan: how is the management plan set up by the DLP monitored and reviewed?

Record-keeping: which records should be maintained by the receiving order/diocese and which should be maintained by the DLP?

Support: how is support offered to the respondent in the receiving order/diocese?